- Law 1650/1986 on the protection of the environment.
- Law 2939/2001 on the alternative management of packaging waste and other waste.
- Law 4014/2011 on the environmental licencing of works and activities.
- JMD 50910/2727/2003 on measures and terms for the management of solid waste – National and prefectural management plan.
- JMD 29407/3508/2002 on measures and terms for the landfill of waste.
- JMD 13588/725/2006on measures and terms for the management of hazardous waste.
- JMD 8668/2007 on the National Plan for for the management of hazardous waste.
- MD 1958/2012 on the classification of public and private works.
- PD 82/2004 on measures, terms and programme for the alternative management of waste oils.
- PD 109/2004 on measures, terms and programme for the alternative management of used vehicles tires.
- PD 115/2004 on measures, terms and programme for the alternative management of used batteries and accumulators.
- PD 116/2004 on measures, terms and programme for the alternative management of end of life vehicles, used parts and catalists.
- PD 117/2004 on measures, terms and programme for the alternative management of waste electrical and electronic equipment.
- JMD 36259/1757/Ε103on measures, terms and programme for the alternative management of construction and demolition waste.